सहायता केंद्र

Changing address
If you have any already made order, please inform us by email after you have changed your address. we will double check the order reord to make sure your address of each order is updated.
Vat / taxes
Vat / taxes are included in the listed price.no extra taxes need to be paid.
Order handling & shipping
Your order will be shipped from hong kong. we will process your order within 1-2 business days. delivery to your shipping address is expected to take approximately 7-14 days.
After sales policy
Applying excessive force may result in damaged or dislodged components.please note that we are unable to offer after-sales service for any items that are broken during use. each incident will be considered on an individual basis. if any items arrive defective, please keep all packaging materials and the product itself for further instructions.
Order cancel & refund policy
For preordered items, the estimated release date is noted on the product page and is provided by the manufacturer. it is possible for items to experience delays of more than three months. buyers should be prepared to accept any delays that are due to the manufacturer.however, if a delay extends beyond 12 months, we offer a cash refund option. aside from this circumstance, all products and services are final and cannot be canceled or refunded in cash, unless there is a seller error (e.g., incorrect inventory count, wrong sku, etc.). in the event of cancellation for reasons other than extended delays or seller mistakes, we can provide a refund in the form of waypoint for the equivalent amount. waypoint may be used for purchasing any product on onewaymodelcar.com.